
Tiny Lund Memorial Race
Late August - Early September
Check current schedule at the speedway link below.

Shelby County Speedway

Harlan Harvest Fest  - October, the Saturday before Halloween, at Historical Harlan Downtown District


ELK HORN and KIMBALLTON, Iowa – Julefest is held annually during Thanksgiving weekend. The fun-filled Christmas festival features over 25 local businesses, organizations, historical sites and museums ready to help you get into the full swing of the holidays. Visit the distinct gift shops, large Christmas Boutique and more! Getting into the holiday spirit is easy in the Danish Villages. Celebrated the weekend after Thanksgiving, Julefest offers visitors a way to kick start the Christmas season.

This magical festival has warmed hearts and provided a way to celebrate all things Danish. Julefest promises an array of traditional Danish food and tasty treats such as pastries, wine, glögg, pebbernødder, and rollepølse. Search for unique Christmas presents and decorations at gift shops, specialty stores and craft fairs in both towns. Make the most of a winter's day and listen to a Christmas concert, and watch for Father Christmas strolling through town.

Relish in the festive atmosphere of the villages - both towns will be decorated for Christmas and the streets lined with Danish and American flags. Pick up a brochure with a map of the local merchants and happenings at any of the Danish Villages businesses. 
Contact the Danish Windmill at 712- 764-7472.

Elk Horn and Kimballton are located in southwest Iowa, off I-80, 6 and 9 miles north of Exit 54 and no passport is required!

Tivoli Fest

Tivoli Fest, The Danish Village's annual Danish celebration, is held Memorial Day weekend. Enjoy Danish foods and specialties such as smorrebrod, aebleskiver and medisterpolse. Tours of the Danish Windmill, Bedstemor's Hus, the Danish Immigrant Museum and visits to unique gift shops add to the experience. Including the annual Tivoli parade, Tour de Tivoli, an entertainment stage and vendors, there is something for everyone!

Come experience Tivoli Fest in Elk Horn, Iowa, just six minutes north of Interstate I-80, Exit 54. For more information, call the Danish Windmill at 712-764-7472 or see us on Facebook or https://danishwindmill.org/tivoli-fest.

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